I Am Not A Christian

20 Aug

Ha! Made you look!!

I have just posted this status on my Facebook wall.

I have decided to turn my back on “Christianity”. Instead I want to stake my identity as a lover, a follower, a believer of Jesus Christ. I belong to a Kingdom not a religion. I was born to be free from rules, punishment and legalism. I was born to live free and help others come into the same freedom I live in. I am a Kingdom warrior, with a crown on my head that says “Princess”. I want to stand against the mediocrity, the lame staleness the church is so often known for. Folks, we were born for SO MUCH MORE than that. Following Jesus Christ no longer equals “being a Christian.” Wake up church….!!!

Every so often I feel the need to nail my colours to the mast, to be radical and controversial. This is a kind of follow-up to this post…

It makes me so angry LIVID to see and hear, time and time again, how the “church” is capable of misrepresenting Jesus Christ and His Kingdom and how much damage it has caused over the years centuries. How little, in fact, it even knows who Jesus is. It’s shocking, shameful, and saddens me deeply.

So yes.
I am on the warpath.
I’m not afraid to be a Rebel for the King!!

[polite and loving disclaimer: I will not engage in any theological, intellectual, mind-bending debates in this blog. While your opinions are valued and worthy of respect, this site is not a platform for lengthy, wordy, subtle arguments. If you want to discuss this, get yourself a blog and write your response to this on there – then post a link to it in the comments below! X]

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